11 June 2010


After two days of airports, delays, and uncertainty, I've arrived in London, and I couldn't be more excited!

This isn't going to be quite the inaugural post I had hoped for, because my time is running out on this internet terminal, and the airport doesn't have wifi. 

I spent the night in D.C. after missing my connector at Dulles thanks to maintenance delays in Charlotte.  My 9:35 flight this morning didn't leave the ground until noon, and since Heathrow doesn't allow flights in after 11:00 p.m., there was some doubt that we'd be able to fly then.  Luckily, they granted my flight an exception, and we landed here around 12:30.  Since trains don't run this late, I'm crashing in the reception area of the airport until the first train tomorrow.

The uncertain start to my trip has only reinforced to me how enthralled I am to be traveling on my own.  Negotiating my way through foreign countries is going to afford me a degree of profound personal responsibility that I don't always appreciate in my day-to-day life.  While I'm always accountable for my actions' consequences, being in a situation in which they impact me alone, and in which I can't necessarily rely on others for help is both frightening and liberating. 

Significant, personal responsibility is an intrinsic component of consciousness.  As conscious actors, we make decisions.  We choose, for better or for worse, and part of being an adult is understanding the impact and import of those choices. 

Recently, someone asked me what component of my trip excited me the most and I responded, frivolously, the sushi.  This is my more considered response.  I'm most excited for the opportunity to experience and catalyze the primal responsibility of being human.  I probably didn't have to go halfway around the world to do it, but so far I'm glad I have.


  1. Great to hear of your arrival in London. I appreciate your openness and excitement in this adventure. I find it helpful to remember that no decisions are 'bad'-- all ways have a gift, a learning. Choosing sushi to excite you certainly has its merits!

  2. Mitchell your Mom shared the link for your blog with me. I enjoyed reading your first post. I know this will be a wonderful life changing adventure for you. You have the greatest Mom! I had the honor of being with her last night when she received the email that you had arrived safely. We are so proud!

  3. Hi Anne,

    Thanks for commenting, and for the advice. I'm trying to find that benefit in everything. Like with my flight difficulties, I'm looking for opportunities for growth in the good and the bad, the planned and the unplanned. And I'm definitely still excited about sushi!


    Thanks for the support! You're definitely right about my having the greatest mom. Please keep her busy while I'm away!

  4. Hey Mitchell glad to see you finally made it. Have a great time, you deserve the experience!

  5. Hey Tony,

    Thanks a bunch! It's good to hear from you, and thanks for reading the blog.

  6. Glad you have made it safe love reading your blog and seeing your pics...be careful and keep us informed of all you worldly travels hope from this point on it will be uneventful... have a great time and live it up!!
    from Rhonda in western North Carolina
